
I complain about things. I complain about things I’ve aspired for. I complain about privileged positions. I complain about things meant to be a blessing and in my selfishness I turn it into a curse.


I aspired to be a Dad, yet I find myself complaining when it comes time to “...be a dad.” I find myself complaining when people come to me to talk. I’m a pastor, I felt led into this job so I could do just that, come alongside people in their moments of need. I have flexibility in my schedule that allows me to make my own schedule, yet I complain when my schedule is thrown off by the needs of others. I know I’ve painted myself as a monster, but before you throw stones at me, am I alone in this?


"What was once a huge blessing, has our selfish nature turned into a curse?"


What was once a huge blessing, has our selfish nature turned  into a curse? That job promotion which was a huge blessing, do you complain about the extra work? The person you feel so honored to be friends with, in their time of need are they an inconvenience? I think honestly this is something we all struggle with. When I am inclined to complain, I have to sit back and say, “This is the very thing I signed up for. This isn’t a curse. This is a privilege. I’ve positioned myself to make a difference.” Really, God has positioned me to make a difference.


I’ve never gotten into that “word” thing for New Years. You know when people pick a word that will define their year? Ya, that thing. But if I had a word that I wanted to define 2019 it would be “positioned.” It’s a word I can’t shake.


I am a Christian. I see the Bible as a source of truth, encouragement and exemplary characters. So, when I think through my life, I scan through the pages of the Bible. No matter what your view of the Bible is, I think it can be helpful for you. Here is something that stuck out to me recently;


Now the point in what we are saying is this: we have such a high priest, one who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven, 2 a minister in the holy places, in the true tent that the Lord set up, not man. 3 For every high priest is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices; thus it is necessary for this priest also to have something to offer. Hebrews 8:1-3


I know this is some weird lingo. I know it’s foreign lingo. So let me quickly explain it and then give a few take homes.


Jesus is our High Priest. In the Old Testament the High Priest would do many things on behalf of the people before God. He would sacrifice, pray, communicate to the people, run the temple, etc. The book of Hebrews spends a great deal of time talking about how Jesus is our once and for all great High Priest. He brought Himself as the final sacrifice for our sin. He was the gift and the sacrifice. That is my Jesus. Now, He sits at the right hand of God. But He’s not on vacation, He is talking to God the Father on our behalf.


Here are a few things I want to imitate this year


Position is welcomed inconvenience: There was nothing convenient about leaving the comforts of heaven, living in the Middle East, being attacked by the religious community, allowing them to murder you, complain about you, spit upon you, doubt you, question you, take advantage of you, etc. What is convenient about any of that? Nothing. But keep reading.


Position has an others focus: Why was the inconvenience welcomed? Because He loves YOU. He’s not complaining about you, He loves you. Your sin doesn’t surprise Him. You and I may be an inconvenience but it’s an inconvenience Christ welcomed because He LOVES YOU and WANTS YOU. Guess what, this hasn’t stopped! He is POSITIONED next to the throne with you STILL IN MIND. He talks to God on our behalf. He hears your prayers and goes before the Father. He is not taking a time out. He is not spending time with His dad complaining about you, He’s advocating for you!!!! Why? His privileged position has you in mind! Where are you uniquely positioned to love others? Are you positioned for self or others?


Position is unique: His position is unique to Him. You can’t serve as the sacrifice for mankind because who would then sacrifice for you? You need Jesus like I need Jesus. So, Jesus is uniquely positioned to do what He has done and is doing. He was obedient to what His Father put before Him. God has given you a unique position with your co-worker, classmate, daughter, spouse, etc. He has not positioned others to a unique work, He has positioned you.


"I want to see the areas God has uniquely positioned me for as a blessing"


When I think of this, it helps me see my unique position as a privilege. Is it a burden? Yes. But isn’t that what sacrifice is? Is it possible to sacrifice without being burdened? Do I welcome the opportunity to sacrifice because of the person or people before me? In 2019, I want to see the areas God has uniquely positioned me for as a blessing, as an opportunity, as a privilege. God could have called anyone else to the position you find yourself in. However, He called you. What will you do about it?


Keep praying for One,


Written by Pastor Jason Coache,

Lead Pastor of Wellspring Church