My Prayer for 2019

My prayer for Wellspring in 2019,


My prayer for our church is that we would become the church God has truly called us to be in 2019. My prayer is that we would lead the way in loving our community. I want to be the church that turns the tide in Toms River. My good friend Pastor David Murphy said that when the tide raises all boats rise. I want to lead the way in rising the tide. My prayer is that we would love our community so well that the thought of “church” “God” “faith” “Jesus” wouldn’t be a turn off but something worth considering. Do I want everyone to come to our church? No, my prayer is not to become the church for everyone. If that is the goal we become the church for no one. Wellspring, we have been called to relentlessly love our community. It may not mean people walk through our doors. It may mean they walk through the doors of another church. My prayer is that they would find Jesus no matter the church.


"My prayer is that every single person in Toms River would experience the love of Christ."


My prayer is that every single person in Toms River would experience the love of Christ. Why can’t it be us? It has to be us. If it is not us, then our mission is in vain. To not be “us” is the equivalent of mission failure. We will not relentlessly love our community well with a few CKA’s from time to time. We will not relentlessly love our church well with myself and a few church leaders “sowing good deeds” occasionally throughout the week handing out God Loves You cards. We WILL relentlessly love our community well if it is truly a “WE” thing. If we all take hold of this, 2019 will be the year Toms River truly feels the love of Jesus Christ. It will the year we see revival break out in Toms River. Can there be revival amongst a people unwilling to demonstrate His love? My prayer is that we would fall so in love with Jesus that we simply cannot help but to show and tell others about our amazing Savior.


Wellspring, we are a church on mission. We Pray for ONE. We care about the individual. If we all take hold of this, we will in turn love ALL our community. My prayer is that we would be the church praying for ONE and igniting a craving for Jesus Christ by relentlessly loving our community.


"My prayer is that we would handout 100,000 God Loves You cards this year."


My prayer is that we would handout 100,000 God Loves You cards this year. Love One, Love ALL. LETS GO. It will be a daily grind. My prayer is that as we grind, the tide will turn. Together, let’s do this. Wellspring; HERE WE GO!


Keeping Praying for One.


Pastor Jason Coache,

Lead Pastor of Wellspring Church


#PrayForOne #RelentlessLove #loveONEloveALL