The home stretch begins for our Daniel Fast. It has been such a powerful time for so many of us. We are leaning in, saying no to complacency and yes to greater dependency in our God. As we lean in and finish strong, here are 10 things you can focus your prayers on with our remaining time.
- Wellspring would grow away from complacency and towards dependency on God.
- Those with generous, open hands to God would receive money from God to be generous.
- Wellspring Bayville to grow in sustainability.
- Wisdom of the leadership as we navigate turbulent times.
- Our people would worship God with the finances He has blessed us with.
- For wisdom on our building and future location(s).
- For our people to abound in love for Jesus.
- For our people to Pray for One seeing an impact of the gospel on the world around them.
- For favor in the community and with local businesses and organizations.
- For new and innovative ways to reach those in our community.